This website records the last resting place of over one thousand artists
who have been instrumental in creating and reflecting Australia’s
culture and heritage.
Whilst they are not all Australian by birth, each has worked here and
left their mark.
This information will assist you if you wish to visit these sites to pay
your respects, seek inspiration or identify which artists are resting
in a particular cemetery or crematorium.
Where cremations occurred and ashes were collected, further information
has not been sought as I felt it better to let family members or friends
contact me.
Some artists are still being researched and no doubt there are others
not included. Also whilst great care has been taken to record verified
information, mistakes can occur. If you are able to assist in any way,
please contact me.
This project was started because I have a great passion and respect for
art and artists and also because it is important that we remember them
and take care of their place of rest.
To the people at various Registry offices, cemeteries, crematoriums and
others who are family members and friends of the artists, a very sincere
thank you for your help. This project would not have been possible without
If you wish to find a particular artist, enter First and/or Last Name.
If you wish to find artists resting in a particular area, enter the Area
Code which is the postcode of the place of burial or cremation. For artists who died overseas, please enter the Area Code 9000.
Where I do not know details of the last resting place, Area Code is 9999.